
Privacy Policy


By using a Publisher’s App, you are consenting to our processing of your information in ways set out in this Privacy Policy. If you do not agree with it, please do not use any Publisher’s Apps. In certain cases, for example, if geolocation data is processed by the relevant Publisher’s App, the Publisher’s App will prompt you to give additional consent. In such case, you can choose not to give consent to us processing data related to your location but you can still use the Publisher’s App.

This Privacy Policy may change so you should review it regularly. We will notify you of any material changes in the way we treat your information through the Publisher’s Apps you use.


When you use an Publisher’s App, Publisher may collect data, including information which directly or indirectly identifies you. Your information may be kept in an identifiable format, or in an aggregate format which means that you cannot reasonably be identified from it. The information we collect about you includes:

If an Publisher’s App offers you the option to register, we will collect the information you provide to us in the registration form. This may include identification data such as your name, email address or other account or registration information.

We will also collect your information when you use Publisher’s Apps such as when you post or share material, upload data, request further services or make selections using the Publisher’s Apps, if such functionality is available in the Publisher’s App.

We will collect information about you when you interact with us such as when you report a problem, contact or communicate with us.

We may collect certain device information and electronic identifiers such as your mobile device identifier provided by your mobile device operating system, your mobile operating system details and the name of your mobile carrier. For example, if you use the iOS platform then Advertiser IDs (also known as “IDFAs”) may be collected. Other identifiers collected may include IP addresses, OpenUDID, Session ID, ODIn1, iOS Vendor IDs, MAC addresses, IMEI, Android ID for Android platform, and ODIN1 for OS X (together with the IDFAs, the “App Identifiers”).

Information about how and when you use the Publisher’s App. This includes the amount of times you used the Publisher’s App, which parts of it you viewed and other technical data such as country settings and timestamps.

Geolocation data, which is any information which indicates the geographical position of your device and which may include the time the location was recorded. Before processing any precise GPS geolocation data, the Publisher’s App will require you to give your consent, which you can revoke by changing the privacy settings of your device.

Any of your information you provide or permit to be provided to us via a social network or public forum provider like Facebook when you link the Publisher’s App to your social network or public forum account. This data may include your use of the Publisher’s App on such public forums and/or social networks, including with whom you share the Publisher’s App. For further information how and for what purpose the social network provider collects etc. your data see their privacy policy.

We automatically collect certain information from your device when you use the Publisher’s App including information about your device, carrier and other technical data.


We are committed to providing you with meaningful choices about the information collected from you on our Publisher’s Apps for third party purposes, and that is why we provide the links below to the NAI “Consumer Opt-out,” DAA opt-out, and Google and other opt-outs that are only applicable to participating third parties, which does not include Publisher. As stated below you may also block certain App Identifiers by changing the settings of your device. However, we do not currently recognize or respond to browser-initiated Do Not Track signals, as the Internet industry is still working on Do Not Track standards, implementations and solutions.







The security and confidentiality of your information is very important to us, so we take appropriate security measures (including physical, electronic and procedural measures) to help safeguard your information from unauthorized access and disclosure. Please know that, despite our efforts, no security measures are perfect or impenetrable.


Some if the Publisher’s Apps are not directed to children under the age of 13. We do not knowingly collect (or knowingly allow any third party to collect) information from persons under the age of 13. If we become aware that information has been collected from a person under the age of 13, we will delete this information and terminate the person’s account as quickly as possible. If you believe that we may have information from or about a child under the age of 13, please contact us and we will promptly delete that information.


The information that we collect from you may be transferred to, and stored at, a destination outside of your country and the European Economic Area (“EEA”) and, in particular, the US. It may also be processed by any service providers appointed by us who operate outside the EEA and their staff, and/or our own staff based outside of the EEA. By submitting your data, you agree to this transfer, storing or processing outside of the EEA. Data transferred will be treated in accordance with this Privacy Policy.


We will keep your information for as long as is necessary to provide you with the Publisher’s Apps and for us to comply with our obligations under this Privacy Policy and at law.

You can learn more about the data we collect for our partner from the links to our partners’ Privacy Policy pages below:










Why are such data processed? Who will be processing the data?

Your consent to collect personal data in the app personalizes your experience (ad and usage) via numerous adversing and analytics partners. It will allow to remember your preferred language choice, show you more targeted ads, check for fraud, share with our partners who will then sell you their services or show ads which are more relevant to you, as well as it will help to faster identify bugs and problems in the app if they appear.

When will processing take place? How do I withdraw my consent?

Once you agree to collect your personal data, the app starts processing it. Depending on partner type, user data is stored hours or months to enhance your experience in the app and erased once it becomes no longer necessary in relation to the purposes for which they were collected or otherwise processed. If you change you mind later to withdraw your consent, you can always opt in by disabling Limit Ad Tracking setting on your mobile device and then revisiting this app. If you consent us and our partners personalizing your experience in a different app, we’ll collect data via that app.

How do I erase my personal data?

According to EU GDPR law, Controllers have an obligation to delete data that was processed on the basis of consent once that consent is withdrawn. If you wish your data to be erased, please apply to 64797099@qq.com and include you IDFA, app’s store URL in email subject and email body.
